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Product Description
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The Pro871 Pipe & Cable Locator is a low cost locator for contractors and maintenance personnel. Incorporating a dual frequency transmitter and sensitive receiver, the Pro871 tracks many types of cabling, including CATV, electrical, telephone, and lighting. The Pro871 transmits an easy to follow beep signal that is tracked by the receiver. Simply connect the transmitter to ground and the wire to be tracked and turn it on. Follow the beeps with the receiver using the visual meter, external speaker, or a headset. It is that simple.
The Pro871 offers features not previously available at a budget conscious price point. The Pro871 features both high and low frequency capability and either null or peak tracking capability. In addition, the IC871 inductive clamp (included with the Pro871C) allows non-metallic connection to wires and cables, inducing signal onto the conductor and providing a tracing signal.
Approved for use at: Comcast, Time Warner, Brighthouse, and Charter!
Kit Includes: